Prepping for Measurement
Before you begin taking your measurements, pick the finger on which you want to wear your ring. The fingers on your dominant hand tend to be larger than those on your non-dominant hand, so keep that in mind when measuring for your ring size.
Ensure that your finger is at its normal size before taking a measurement. Cold weather can cause your fingers to shrink a bit, while heat or water retention caused by food, medications, or illness can cause finger swelling.
How Do I Measure My Finger for a Ring?
The best way to find out your ring size is to go to a jeweller in your town, village or near where you live, because it is the surest way to get an accurate measurement.
You can use either a string or a strip of paper to measure your finger or a ring you already own. See the charts below for further instructions on these sizing methods.
How do I use a Strap of Paper as a Ring Sizer?
Take a piece a thin strip of paper and wrap it around your finger, close to the knuckle.
Make sure it’s snug.
With a pen, carefully mark the spot where the string overlaps with its end and either hold it up to a ruler that has millimeter measurements, or to the graphic below.
Use the chart to determine your ring size.
How do I Find What Ring Size I am Using With a Ring That I Own?
Measure the diameter of the inside of the ring, then look up the measurement on the chart to find the corresponding ring size.
I am confident that this ring size guide will help you select the right ring. If you are still insecure relating to your perfect ring size, just conatct me!!
Measurement of the ring sizes with a ring that I own!
Here you can find out the first facitlity to measure the inner circumference of a ring that you already own. For that I made a little video you find below. It’s so important to do that as accurate as possible!
You need:
A paper strip (around 15-20cm) of printing paper
A ring that fits for the selected finger
A marker
Another pen (pencil,…)
A ruler
First step is to coil the paper to a small tube. Then you give the tube through the ring. Now you have to move the paper inside the ring in such a way that the coil becomes bigger and is fully connected to the inner surface of the ring, that means there must NOT be any interspace between the paper and the ring!! This is very important, otherwise the measurement would not be correct.
Then you take the marker and mark exactly over the intersection of the paper. Do it more than once, to be sure to hit it in an accurate way.
Now you take off the ring of the tube and uncoil the paper. Take the ruler and measure the distance between the outside margin of the left mark to the edge of the paper (at the right mark).
Now you have the inner circumference of the ring and your ringsize ;)
Second possibility to find out what ring size I am using with a ring that I already own!
The second possibility to find out the ring size of a ring that you have, is a little bit easier.
Measure the diameter of the inside of the ring.
Be sure to do it exactly through the centre oft he circle!!
Then look up the measurement on the chart to find the corresponding ring size.
To be sure that you’ve done the correct measurement with a ring that you already have, do both oft he possibilties mentioned here on this site.
I am confident that this ring size guide will help you to select the proper ringsize.
If you are still insecure relating to your perfect ring size, just conatct me!!